
A comprehensive and balanced interscholastic athletic program is an integral part of the total educational process. While the high school athletic program serves as an arena for the student-athlete to display his/her talents, student-athletes must, in turn, be willing to accept the responsibility to self, to team, and to school. Athletics, as an educational tool, provide opportunities for mastery of established learning outcomes and exiting skills. The student-athlete will demonstrate self discipline, emotional control and the ideals of good sportsmanship. The student-athlete will be given opportunities and experiences to develop a healthy self esteem. Through group participation, the student-athlete will develop appreciation for fitness, fun and wellness. The student-athlete will demonstrate ethical qualities and be capable of taking his/her place in modern society.

The athlete serves as an ambassador of their athletic program, as well as their school and community and should take pride in representing them. Good conduct is a large part of being a positive representative of your team and school. All student-athletes are expected to follow all school rules at all times. Team and league rules are also to be strictly followed. The athlete shall show respect for his/her teammates and coaching staff, as well as the opposing team, coaches and officials. On a personal level, the athlete shall respect himself/herself by not becoming involved with any controlled and illegal substances.

Participation in interscholastic athletics is a privilege. Students who demonstrate unacceptable behavior or who are continuously being reported academically deficient may lose the privilege to participate in interscholastic athletics.

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